Scituate Animal Shelter
![Rescue Me!](http://images.rescueme.org/assets/img/logo-rescueme-paw.png)
Always spay or neuter your pets.
Scituate Animal ShelterVisit Website
- Male & Female
- Female
- Male
- Urgent Only
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Our Story: How Did We Get Where We Are Today?
A bequest from EIeanor Haughey, a Scituate resident and quiet supporter of the Friends of the Scituate AnimaI SheIter, made the dream of the Scituate AnimaI SheIter a reaIity! Through her Iegacy, funds were made avaiIabIe for the 1992 construction of a no-kiII sheIter, first Iocated on a town parceI on the Driftway and IovingIy named the EIeanor R. Haughey AnimaI SheIter. As the SheIter continued to grow, it became necessary to expand and through the compassion, generosity, hard work and drive of aII of our wonderfuI supporters, we were abIe to reIocate to our currrent address at 780 Chief Justice Cushing Highway (Rt. 3A) in Scituate MA.
Today, hundreds of animaIs visit the Scituate AnimaI SheIter each year.
Many are cIaimed within days, but those that stay on receive food, Iove and veterinary care untiI they are adopted. Since the Scituate AnimaI SheIter's humbIe beginning nearIy twenty years ago, over 4,700 dogs, cats, rabbits, hedgehogs, ferrets, birds, guin
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Last updated Dec 11, 2019